Capsicum Plasters - Uses and Benefits

Release time:2024-02-27    Click:147

The Pain-Relieving Power of Capsicum Plasters

Capsicum plasters have become a popular remedy for temporary relief of minor aches and pains. These medicated plasters contain capsaicin, the active compound in chili peppers that gives them their signature spicy heat. When applied to the skin, capsaicin offers natural pain relief by reducing sensitivity to pain signals.

How Do Capsicum Plasters Work?

- Capsaicin stimulates and then desensitizes pain receptors called C-nerve fibers in the skin. This interrupts the transmission of pain signals to the brain.

- The initial stimulation causes a mild irritation, producing the sensation of heat. But this is soon replaced by numbness and analgesia at the site. 

- Blood flow increases locally, which also aids pain relief.

- Capsaicin also blocks the action of a neurotransmitter called substance P, a chemical that communicates pain signals to nerve cells.

Benefits of Capsicum Plasters

Capsicum plasters offer temporary relief for a variety of minor pains:

- Shoulder and back pain - Placing a plaster on the sore or stiff area can relax tight muscles and dull the ache. The warming sensation improves circulation to ease tightness.

- Joint pain - Capsicum helps reduce inflammation that causes painful swelling in joints like the knees, fingers, elbows, and wrists. The numbness offered relieves joint discomfort.

- Arthritis - By reducing pain receptor signals, capsaicin can offer arthritis pain relief by quieting flare-ups in joints. It provides a heating sensation to soothe arthritis pain.

- Muscle strains and sprains - Applying a plaster helps relax muscles and tendons following overexertion or minor injury. Capsaicin patches also aid muscle recovery after exercise. 

- Nerve pain - For conditions like sciatica or shingles that cause nerve pain, capsaicin can temporarily interrupt the pain signals being sent from the peripheral nerves to the brain.

How to Use Capsicum Plasters

- Clean and dry skin before application. Hairy areas may need to be trimmed.

- Apply the adhesive side firmly to the painful area. 

- Leave on for 8 to 12 hours and reapply as needed. Do not exceed 3 patches at a time.

- Avoid irritated, damaged, or broken skin. Do not place on the face or sensitive thin skin areas.

- Drink plenty of fluids during use. Discontinue use if skin blistering or excessive redness/irritation occurs.

- See a doctor if pain persists beyond 7 days or drastically worsens.

While not a cure, capsicum plasters can provide temporary relief from lingering aches and pains. Their heating element offers an easy, non-intrusive way to dull minor discomforts. But always consult a medical professional for severe or chronic pain.