Comparing Tiger Capsicum Plasters to Other Pain Relief Options

Release time:2023-11-08    Click:150

Tiger capsicum plasters are a unique type of pain relief product. But how do they stack up against other common options for managing pain? Here we compare and contrast Tiger plasters with alternatives like CBD, analgesics, heat patches, and more. 

Tiger Plaster Ingredients and Mechanisms

Tiger plasters contain active ingredients like camphor, menthol, and capsicum extract derived from hot peppers. These ingredients provide cooling and warming sensations that distract from pain. The plasters also improve circulation and reduce inflammation.

CBD Topicals for Pain Relief

CBD is growing in popularity for pain relief. CBD topicals like gels and creams absorb into the skin to potentially reduce inflammation and interact with endocannabinoid receptors. This may alter pain perception. CBD topicals provide localized relief without systemic effects.

Oral Pain Medications 

Common over-the-counter oral analgesics like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin can reduce minor pain and inflammation. Oral NSAIDs may cause side effects like stomach ulcers or bleeding with long-term use. Tiger plasters avoid systemic effects.

Menthol-Based Topicals

Like Tiger plasters, topical creams, and gels with menthol provide cooling pain relief by distracting the nerves from pain signals. However, menthol alone may not reduce inflammation as deeply as capsicum and camphor.

Warming Pain Relief Creams

Some topical pain relief creams create warming sensations to distract nerves from pain signals. Tiger plasters offer both warming and cooling sensations for dual-action relief.

Heat Patches/Wraps

Reusable heat wraps and patches soothe pain using direct heat. But they lack active ingredients for inflammation reduction.

While many options exist for pain relief, Tiger plasters offer a unique combination of warming, cooling, and anti-inflammatory effects in one reusable patch.
