Stick It Where It Hurts: How Pain Relief Patches Can Provide Targeted Relief

Release time:2023-11-14    Click:125

Pain relief patches have become an increasingly popular way to treat localized pain. Unlike oral medications that spread through the entire body, these patches can be stuck right over the problem area to provide targeted relief. Read on to learn how pain relief patches work and why they are so effective at treating pain directly where it occurs.

Reduce Pain Signals at the Source

The key advantage of pain relief patches is that they can be applied directly to the site of pain. Medications in the adhesive patch penetrate the skin and absorb into the affected muscles, joints, and nerves underneath. This allows the drugs to work right at the source of the pain signals, interrupting them before they make their way to the brain. Topical targeted delivery helps avoid unnecessary systemic exposure that comes with pills.

Common Medications for Topical Pain Relief

Pain relief patches contain various medications that work to reduce inflammation, dull nerve pain signals, or mildly numb the area. These include over-the-counter drugs like menthol, methyl salicylate, capsaicin, and lidocaine. Stronger prescription medications may also be used such as NSAIDs, steroids, or even fentanyl. The medication type depends on the underlying cause and severity of the pain.

Convenient and Hands-Free

Another perk of pain relief patches is that they are extremely simple to use. There are no complicated dosages to calculate – just peel and stick as directed. The adhesive keeps the medicated patch firmly on the skin for continuous relief until it's time to replace it. This hands-free application allows you to remain active with your day while enjoying steady pain management.

Pick the Right Spot for each Pain Type  

While oral analgesics spread everywhere, patches should be placed strategically to maximize benefits. Joint and muscle pain patches can go right over the sore spot for localized effects. Low back patches are best on the lumbar region, and neck and shoulder patches are on the upper trapezius areas. Nerve pain patches like lidocaine strips can follow the path of the affected nerve. Proper placement enhances absorption in underlying tissues.

Pain relief patches allow you to pinpoint the delivery of pain relief right to the source. Avoid taking oral meds that circulate everywhere by sticking patches directly over your problem areas. With the medications going right where they are needed, patches can provide convenient, targeted relief.
